展示室87 - Photo Gallery 87
Looking for Various Urban Scenes, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia

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 ジャカルタには縁があって度々行くのだが、最近は常宿をジャラン・ジャクシと いうバックパッカーの多い界隈にしている。コタ方面へのバス停や南のボゴールに向かう鉄道の駅に歩いて生けるし、スーパーや屋台が多くて便利だ。このジャ カルタのミッドタウンとでもいうべき地区をメンテンと呼ぶ。
 ジャカルタは17世紀始め、オランダ東インド会社がここをアジアでの本拠地としたこと発展が始まるのだが、その拠点となった海に近いコタ地区はじきに水 質汚染などによって住みにくくなった。そのため南側の郊外に新しい町を作ったのがメンテンである。後に独立記念搭(モナス)が建てられる一角と思えば良 い。この界隈には18世紀から19世紀にかけて建造された建物があり、町歩きが楽しい。
 ある日曜日、宿を出て町を歩いた。不思議で怪しげな道案内にも恵まれて、都市散歩を堪能することができた。夜は取っておきの、オランダ殖民風ディナー だ。バーも素晴らしい。

    I have been visiting Jakarta a number of times in the past.  Recently I normally stay in a hotel in Menteng Area near Jalan Jaksi, because the area is convenient for taking a bus downtown, or taking the train down to Bogor, and the area has a lot of food stalls and food carts.  This area is the Mid-town of Jakarta, so to speak.
    The old town of Jakarta was Kota near the coastal line where the Dutch first settled down in the early 17 century.  But the environment there deteriorated as the water got polluted, and the Dutch started to build a new town in the mid-town area to the south.  Thus this area has a number of old buildings dating back to 18 and 19th centuries, which makes the city walk more fun. 
    On one Sunday morning I set out for a walk.  In the middle of the day, I came across with a local person who started to talk to me in the street.  He looked a little suspicious, but he knowledge about the old buildings in Jakarta was accurate, so I decided to believe in him and we I accepted his offer to guide me around in Menteng.  He took me to the famous Islamic mosque in the area, and I was able to enter the compound, and he even got me permission for photographing.  He was a good guy!
    At night, I had a dinner at an old Dutch colonial restaurant called Oasis in Pasar Minggu area near Menteng.  This restaurant is one of the few restaurants that serve the Dutch colonial dish called Rice Table.  A row of girls with a plate comes to the table regularly, filling your plate with rice and soup and meat and vegetables.  The restaurant has a very nice bar, too, where old masks are on display on the wall.  It's no pain waiting in such a bar before the dinner.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.
1 日曜は町歩きの日 −Sunday is for City Walk

2 ロータリー − Bajaj at the Turn-about

3 国立博物館  −  National Museum and an Elephant Gifted from Thai King
4 博物館内部  −  The Interior of Museum
5 ジャラン・ジャクシの街角−On the Corner of Jl. Jaksi, the Back Packers Street

6 イスラム教会へ − To an Islamic Mosque

7 祈り - Preyer

8 神の学校 −Religious School

9 庶民の町のお粥や −  Rice Porridge Cart

10 八百屋 − Vegetable Shop


11 ライフ・テーブル  ―  Rice Table (Dutch Colonial Dinner) Served in Oasis Restaurant



12 お面  ― Strange Masks at Oasis Restaurant

Data < All images are digitized by Kodak Image Pack CD service form positives. >
87-1 Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Konica SINBI 200
87-2 Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
National Museum, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-4 National Museum, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-5 Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, June 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-6 Sund Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-7 Sund Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia,  March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-8 Sund Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia,  March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-9 Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-10 Menteng, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm  Kodak EBX
87-11 Oasis Restaurant, Pasar Mingu, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Leica Minilux 40mm  Konica SINBI 200
87-12  Oasis Restaurant, Pasar Mingu, Jakarta, Indonesia, March 2005/ Leica Minilux 40mm  Konica SINBI 200
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