展示室53 - Photo Gallery 53
In the Back Alleys of a Commercial City, Surabaya, Indonesia

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 ジャカルタに次ぐインドネシア第2の都市、スラバヤに行った。スラバヤはジャ ワ島の東地域の中心都市で、港もあって経済活動も活発な商業都市である。もちろんその商業を支えているのは近代的なビルに収まっているショッピングセン ターやさまざまな企業なのではあるが、足元を見ると路地に人が溢れている。こうした人々は消費や小売を支えていることも、また事実である。
 その路地を旧市 街と郊外の2箇所で歩いてみた。都市貧困層とうい言葉があるくらいだから、こうした路地に住む人々は決して裕福ではないが、なんとも明るく、楽しそうに暮 らしているのが印象的だった。

    I went to Surabaya, the second biggest city of Indonesia after Jakarta.  Surabaya is a regional city in the eastern part of the Java Island with intensive economic activities.  The central retail functions are supported by large shopping centers and firms and businesses in modern buildings.  But in close look, Surabaya is a lively city with people flourishing  in streets. 
    I had a walk in back alleys both in the central city and in a suburban town.  As connotated in the word "urban poor",  the people in the back alleys are not affluent, but they are happily enjoying their lives day in day out.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.
1 古いホテルのちょっとした贅沢 −A Little Extravagance of an Old Hotel

2 べチャの走る旧市街へ − Out into Old Town where Beca Runs

3 豆屋の娘たち − 
Daughters of Bens Shop
4 職人が市場を行く  −  Craftsman Walk in Market
5 玉ねぎ売り− Vending Shallots

6 路地の昼下がり − Early Afternoon in Deadend Alley

7 リヤカーを押す人 - The Cart Pusher

8 海辺の漁村 −A Seaside Fishery Town

9 みんなで一休み −  Taking a Rest Together

10 井戸水遊び − Playing with Water from the Well


11 路地の少女たち ― 
Girls in an Alley


12 路地町の子供大集合  ― Kids in an Alley Lining up for Photo


Data < All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service form positives/negatives. >
53-1 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
53-2 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-3 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-4 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-5 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-6 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-7 Old Town, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-8 Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
53-9 Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-10 Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-11 Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6
53-12 Kenjeran, Surabaya, Indonesia, June 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak Gold 200-6

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