展示室138 - Photo Gallery 138
キリストの受難−1:オリーブ山(エルサレム、イ スラエル・パレスチナ)
 The Passion of Jesus, 1: Mount Olive, Jerusalem, Israel / Palestine
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オリーブ山からのエルサレムの眺めは素晴らしい。キリストが十字架を背負ったあるいたとされる「悲しみの道」、宗教の狭間で多くの血が流されたエルサレム の旧市街が眼下に見下ろされる。エルサレム見学の最初は、オリーブ山から町を見下ろすに限る。
 オリーブ山はキリストが何度も何度も帰ってくる場所だった。そして、処刑の前日さえもここオリーブ山のゲッセマネにキリストは居た。そして密告。キリス トが捕らえられたのもゲッセマネの一角だ。ゲッセマネとはオリーブの搾り場だったという。ここには今でもオリーブの老木がある。

    I am planning to do a three installment series on the foot prints of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.  The first one today is Mount Olive.
    The view of Jerusalem from Mt. Olive is beautiful.  You could see the old city where much blood is shed between different ethnic and religious groups.  The first thing you could do in Jerusalem is to go up Mt. Olive and have a deep breath at the panoramic view of the city.
    Mt. Olive is the place where Jesus came back once in a while.  Even in the last leg of his life, he came back here, and spend the last night before his death here in this place.  He was caught here and dragged off for impeachment, and then the execution.  In the garden of Gessamane, there are a few very old olive trees today.  This place was where the olive was pressed for oil.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 オリーブ山にて ― On Top of Mt. Olive

2  エルサレム眺望  ― The Overview of Jerusalem

3 展望台の人々  People at the Overlook

4 ゲッセマネの園 ― The Garden of Gethsemane
5  オリーブの老木 −  An Old, Old Olive Tree


6  万国民の教会 ― The All Nation's Church

7 教会の ファサード ―  The Facade of the Church


8 オリーブの老木のレリーフ ―  The Relief of the Old Olive Tree

9 ロシア正教会 The Russian Orthodox Church

10 地下教会 ―An Underground Church

11 儀式 ― A Mass

12 現実の世界へ ―  Back to the Daily Life

Data <All images are degitized by Fuji CD service.>
138-1 Outlook at Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, November 2006/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
138-2 Outlook at Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, November 2006/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-3 Outlook at Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, November 2006/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
138-4 Garden of Gethsemane, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-5 Garden of Gethsemane, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-6 The All Natin's Church, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-7 The All Natin's Church, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
138-8 The All Natin's Church, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-9 Mary Magadalen Church, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, August 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-3
138-10 Church of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-11 Church of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
138-12 Church of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, Mr. Olive, Jerusalem, Israel, April 2007/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX

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