展示室88 - Photo Gallery 88
古 都・ チェンマイの 歩き方(チェンマイ・タイ)
 Where to Walk in the Ancient City, Chengmai, Thailand

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 チェンマイは、13世紀後半に北タイを制したランナー王国の王都であった古都である。チェンマイの旧市街を取り囲むように、一辺が2キロ弱、 ほぼ正方形の堀が巡らされている。この中がチェンマイの王都として城壁で守られた中心部だ。この正方形の地区には寺院が多く、またワット・チェディ・ルア ンやらワット・プラシンなどの由緒正しく格式の高いお寺も少なくない。旧市街は気長に構えれば十分に歩いて移動しても平気な距離だ。
 夕方からはピン川(チャオプラヤ川の支流)に近い辺りのナイト・バザールを覗いてみるといいかもしれない。お土産やら工芸品に加えて、違法コピーのCD やDVD、Tシャツやらお菓子、雑貨などが屋台に高く積まれているだろう。

   Chiang Mai was the seat for the throne of the Lanna Kingdom since late 13th Century.  There is a rectangular moat surrounding the old city, which measures a little less than 2 km on one side.  The inside of this rectangle moat is the old fortified city protected with a town wall.  You see a number of temples here, some of which are very high esteemed and old traditioned.  If you like walking, the old city could be walked through without much trouble. 
    You may go out in the evening to the night bazaar, which takes place near the Ping river.  You could find anything from souvenirs, crafts, T-shirts, illegal copies of CDs and DVDs, daily commodities, etc. in fully loaded wagons.
    The morning starts with daily offerings to monks as usual. 

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 古都を囲む堀 ― Moat Surrounding the Ancient City with Loi Kratoon Lantern

2 寺で遊ぶ ― Playing around the Temple with Musical Instruments

3 ワット・チェディ・ルアン ― The Guardian of Chiang Mai, Wat Chedi Luang

4 ワット・プラ・シン ― Wat Pra Singh
5  寺院の装飾 ―  Lacquerware Decoration inside of a Tample


6  焼成工房の中庭 ― Pottery Atelier and the Garden Display

7 カ フェーの午後 ― Cafe in the Afternoon


8 ランナー王国民家園 ―  A Lanna Kingdom House in Architectural Department of Chiang Mai University

9 似顔絵画家  ―  A Portrait Artist


10 ナイト・バザール ― busy Evening at Night Bazaar

11 歩道の真ん中 ― In the Middle of a Walkway

12 若き托鉢僧  ―  A Young Priest Receiving Offerings

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Image Pack service.>
88-1 Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-2 Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-3 Wat Chedi Luang, Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-4 Wat Pra Singh, Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-5 Wat Pra Singh, Chieng Mai, Thailand, October 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-6 Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2004/Leica Minilux, 40 mm Kodak EBX
88-7 Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2004/Leica Minilux, 40 mm Kodak EBX
85-8 Chiang Mai University
, Chieng Mai, Thailand, January 2006/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
88-9 Night Bazaar, Chieng Mai, Thailand, January 2006/ Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
88-10 Night Bazaar, Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-11 Night Bazaar, Chieng Mai, Thailand, November 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
88-12 Chieng Mai, Thailand, October 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX

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