展示室22 - Photo Gallery 22
素朴で笑顔が素敵な人々 ラオス・ヴィエンチャン
People with Ingenuous and Enchanting Smiles
Vientiane, Laos

This map is courtesy of Mapquest.




    As Laos is a landlocked country some people may think that Laos is a closed nation, but the people in Laos are open-minded,  friendly and ingenuous.  I stayed in Vientiane for about half a year in 1989.
    The project office was jointly run by the people from the City of Vientiane.  On holidays, when we went out for a picnic, there were a crowd of people who wanted to come together.  On friday nights when we wanted to go out for dancing at a disco, a large number of people came together to dance a Laotian dance with fingers stretched out beautifully.  When we had a party together at the City Canteen, people packed the place and had fun, striking on beer cans cheerfully.  When we went on a survey in the suburbs, kids followed us around.
    Partly because I was young (just over 30 years old), no other country was as impressive as Laos throughout my overseas career.  People in Laos are generous, and smile a lot - smile a ingenuous and enchanting smile.

Note: All the images of this set came from negatives.

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1 小学生− School Girls
2  姉弟 − A Sister and Brother

3 農村の少女たち − Girls in a Village

4 鉄筋集め − Collecting Steel Reinforcement
人力車引き − Rickshaw 

パパイヤ売り− Papaya Vender

7 スイカ売りの一家 − Family Selling Watermelons

8 結婚の契り − A Wedding Ceremony

9 新郎新婦と兄弟 − The Newly Weds

10 新郎と仲間達− The Bridegroom and Buddies

11 事務所のスタッフ ― Office Staff

12 中華料理店の娘Daughter of the Chinese Restaurant Owner

Data <All images of this set are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives.>
22-1 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-2 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G200-2
22-3 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
22-4 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-5 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-6 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-7 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-8 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
22-9 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
22-10 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
22-11 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
22-12 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200

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