展示室132 - Photo Gallery 132
 Humans and Dogs in Elephant Island  - Mumbai, India

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 ムンバイには世界遺産が二つある。一つがイギリス時代の鉄道の終着駅・ヴィクトリアターミナス。そしてもう一 つがボンベイ湾の真ん中の島、エレファンタ島だ。エレファンタ島に行くなら船に乗る必要があるが、その乗り場はボンベイの旧市街の一角にあるインド門が目 印だ。そのすぐ横にある船着場からおよそ一時間の船旅だ。
 エレファンタ島には洞窟がいくつかあり、その洞窟の壁面や祀堂の周りに石像が刻み込まれている。6−8世紀のものだという。もっとも有名なのはシバ神の 三面像。大き なフラッシュを焚いて撮られたと思われる写真では、顔の造作や細かい髪飾りなどが見えて素晴らしいのだが、現場では真っ暗で何も見えない。中央の祀堂には 恭しく立派なリンガが奉られていた。
 エレファンタ島で驚くことは石像ばかりではない。やたらと動物が多いのだ。一番目に着くのは野良犬。一つの洞窟から次の洞窟を目指して歩いていると、道 端には犬の親子や兄弟、あるいは隣組のような犬たちが三々五々、一緒についてくる。恐れるには足らず、犬たちは島の気候と同じく温和だでウェットだ。それ から猿、これは公園管理人との間で仁義無き戦いの最中のようだ。それから牛、洞窟の脇で草を食んでいたりする。もちろん山羊もいる。

    There are two sites registered in UNESCO World Heritage list.   The one is the Victoria Terminus, the terminal of Indian Railway dating back to the British days.  The other is Elaphanta Island in the midst of Bombay Bay.  To go there, you need to take a boat from a quay just next to the Gateway of India in the old city of Bombay.  The Elephanta Island is about an hour's boat ride.
    There are a few caves in Elephanta Island in which stone statues are carved on the rock walls.  The most famous is the statue of Shiva with three faces.  This statue is supposed to be magnificent according to photos taken with strong flash light.   But the statue is so poorly lit there that it is difficult to even understand where the faces are.  There is a square shaped hall like architecture in the cave where the Hindu Linga sits in the middle.
    You may be surprised not only by the ancient statues, but also by various animals.  Dogs are plenty wherever you walk on the island.  Dogs are walking in pairs or in a group - maybe a family.  You may feel uneasy but the dogs are all right  - they are not aggressive.  Dogs in the island is as gentle and humid as the island's weather.  After the dog comes the monkey.  Monkeys are in constant war with the park rangers it seems.  There are also cows there, such as the ones eating grass in front of one of the undeveloped caves.  So are goats.
    Elephanta Island is a unique enclosure with historical heritage and tamed wild life.


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  1 一時間の船旅 ― An Hour's Boat Trip

2 坂の途中の庭 ― A Garden in the Middle of the Slope

3 野良犬 ― Plenty of Dogs in Elaphanta Island

4 祀堂と石造 ―  Hall and Stone Carvings
5  菩薩像? ― Goddess Face?


6 リンガは生命力 のシンボル   ―  Linga Symbolizing the Power of Life

7 一休み  ― Taking a Rest


8 池だろうか ― Is This an Emptied Pond?

9 犬の親子  ―  A Dog Family

10 牛のいる洞窟 ― Cave where There is a Cow

11 トウモロコシ売りの親子 ― Corn Vendor

12 浅瀬そしてまた犬   ―  Dogs in the Bay

Data <All images are degitized by Fuji Photo CD service.>

132-1 Gateway of Indi , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-2 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-2 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-4 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
132-5 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Fuji RDPIII
132-6 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
132-7 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, Mayt 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
132-8 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-9 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-10 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Fuji RDPIII
132-11 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2
132-12 Elephanta Island , Mumbai, India, August 2007 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-2

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