
Profile of Hemlen, the Web Manager 

courtesy sunday ketchup

職業は都市 計画コンサルタント。
「ヘムレン」は、トーベ・ヤンソンの児童文学 ムーミントロールの脇役に由来する。
12歳の時、父親のカメラ、ペンタックスS2を イジり、シャッターを壊す。
中学生のころ、モノクロ写真の撮影を始めるも、 長続きせず。
高校生のころ、進路の決定を迫られ、名前に惹か れて「都市計画」を目指す。
大学にて土木工学を専攻、都市計画に始めて触れ る。
ライカのコンパクトカメラ・Miniluxを購 入。「ぶらパチ写真、都市と人々」を始める。
国産のライカ・マウントカメラ、Bessa R を購入、Elmar35mmを同時購入。
2001年、超広角レンズ、Snapshot Scopar25mmを購入、以降メイン・レンズとする。
2006年9月、「ぶらパチ写真館」、おかげさまで三周 年。

Hemlen, the Trot 'n Shoot Photographer

My profession is a city planner.
The handle name of Hemlen is taken from a by-player in a Tove Janson's Moomintrol novel.
Born in 19xx in a mountainous village outside of Tokyo.
At the age of 12, had a chance to use Father's pentax camera, and broke the shatter.
As a junior high school student, started to take photos with black and white films, but did not last long.
At a high school, chose to study the city planning, as the word sounded good.
Studied civil engineering at a university, and had a first encounter with the city planning.
Assumed an employment in 1981, assigned to in an overseas department, but there was no city planning jobs - a unhappy time.
In year 1996, started stocking and organizing the past past photographs.
Bought a leica compact camera, Minilux, and started to take Trot 'n Shoot Photography.
Participated in the new capital planning project of  a central Asian country in 2000.
Purchased a Japanese camera with the Leica L mount, Bessa R; and a Leica lens Elmar 35mm in 2001.
Bought a super wide angle lens, Snapshot Scopar 25mm, which became the main lens of my photography.
Participated in a regional development planning project in a Southeast Asian country in 2002.
Provisionally opened a web page, Trot 'n Shoot Street Photo Gallery in September 2003.
Trot 'n Shoot Street Photo Gallery is three years old, still in full operation in 2006, thanks to the viewers.


