展示室9 - Photo Gallery 9

タイ・カンボジアー伝統工芸の島々 ー
 Handicraft Islands in Thailand and Cambodia

(Koh Kret, Thailand and Koh Dach, Cambodia; Year 2002 - 2003)

Koh Kret, Thailand
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Koah Dach, Cambodia
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Mapquest provides detail map.


  不思議と大陸アジアの大河にある中州状の島には伝統工芸の集落があることが多い。焼き物や織物、彫り物といった種類のものだ。水田耕作を中心とする農業生産が農村地域の基盤であるのに対して、中洲の島々は雨季に水が上がるなど農業に不向きなことから、工芸などの特定の手工業の技能を持つ外来の人々が住み着き、生業として定着していった、などと私は推測しています。弱点が転じて特色となる、とでもいうのでしょうか。 今回のシリーズでは、タイとカンボジア、共に首都から近い場所にある二つの中洲の島をご紹介します。

Part 1:バンコクに近い焼き物の島、コー・クレット(Koh Kret) <Photograph 1 - 7>
 コーとは島の意味、クレット島という名前です。バンコク国際空港からタクシーで20分ほど西へ行くと、パクレット(Pak Kret)という町があります。ここから渡しにのってチャオプラヤ川を渡ったところにクレット島があります。渡しには公共が運営する比較的大きな船(格安)と、そこいらを走っているボートに「乗せて」と頼んで乗せてもらう方法があります。20バーツほど払えば、まずいってくれます。

Part 2:プノンペンに近いシルクの手織物の島、コー・ダック(Koah Dach) <Photograph 8 - 12>

In the continental Asia, a large river has a riverine island, where sometimes traditional craftsman of pottery, weaving and carving, etc. live together. While paddy rice is the staple crop of most rural areas, riverine islands are often not suited for paddy fields. Thus I presume that such islands, not favored by rural community relying on paddy rice, were inhabited by outsiders with specific craftsmanship, and became a cluster of manufacturing later. The weakness became the strength, so to speak. In this series, I will take up two islands near the capital cities of Thailand and Cambodia.

Part 1: Koh Kret, a pottery island near Bangkok <Photograph 1 - 7>
Koh Kret means Kret Island. If you take a taxi westwards for about 20 minutes, you come to a city named Pak Kret. Koh Kret is right across the Chaopraya river. There are both public and private boats. The public boat get you across the river for minimal fee, or you may ask any private boat for tourists to cross the river for a fee about 20 bahts.
This island produces red pottery. Originally this island is inhabited by the Mon, the same ethnic group as in Burma. Today the islanders produce pottery here, and sell them in shops dealing with pots, plates and flower pots and decorative articles. There is no road in this island where automobiles could run. Instead, transportation of goods are done with hand pushed carts or motorcycles that run on a 2 m wide, possibly 5 km long circular road.
Visit the Kret Island, and feel like you time slipped, when you crossed the Chaopraya river. This is a wondrous, attractive island.

Part 2; Koah Dach, an island of Khmer Silk Weaving near Phnom Penh <Photograph 8 - 12>
This island is sometimes called the Silk Island by expatriates, although local people would not know this name. Crossing the bridge north of Phnom Penh, commonly known as the Japanese Bridge depicting on the financial source and further heading north on Route 6 for about 15 minutes, you ( or your driver) may notice a blue signboard indicating the ferry crossing in Khmer. Turn right at the sign, and drive to the river till you find the ferry crossing. Don't fantasize, the ferry is no big ship; a couple of car loads would easily fill it up.
Koah Dack is located between the two rivers of the Mekong and Tonle Sap, upstream of their confluence. This island is known as a cluster for the Khmer silk production. Islanders make a living by weaving either silk fabric with traditional golden embroilment and/or more practical cotton fabric.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 クレット島の焼き物点  A Souvenir Shop in Koah Dack

2 焼き物工房の少女 ― 
A Girl at a Pottery Atelier

3 素焼きの焼きもの店 ― A Shop Selling Pottery


4 午後の商い ― 
Shop keeping in the Afternoon

5 雑貨 − Gazzet


6 午後のまどろみ ― 
An Afternoon Nap


7 肖像画家  ― Self Portrait Artist


8 ダック島からフェリー通学 ― Going School by Ferry from Dack Island


9 クロマー織の一家 ― 
A Cotton Weaver Family


10 クメール・シルク ― Weaving Khmer Silk


11 島の子供たち ― Children of Dack Island


12 川ガキの乱舞 ― Wild Island Kids


Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD service>
9-1 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
9-2 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EL2
9-3 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EL2
9-4 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
9-5 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EL2
9-6 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EL2
9-7 Koh Kret, Thailand, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EL2
9-8 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
9-9 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
9-10 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
9-11 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
9-12 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III

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