展示室71 - Photo Gallery 71
Life Goes on Peacefully, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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 カンボジアはある意味で不幸な国だ。1970年代から台頭したポルポト政権は強権で国民に都市 を捨てさせ農村に「下放」した。内戦が続き、大虐殺が繰り返され、戦火にまみれた国土には地雷が溢れた。それから20年、ようやく1990年台の半ばにパリ和平条 約が結ばれ、カンボジアには平和が訪れた。
 時々散発的な銃撃があったりもしたが、それもすでに収まり、国土は平和に満ちている。それでもカンボジアは不幸な歴史 を背負って生きていかざるを得ないのだろうか。いまだにテレビが取り上げるのは、ポルポト時代の恐怖を引きずって生きる老人であったり、地雷で片足を吹き 飛ばされた人であったりすることが多い。それも現実ではあるが、今日のカンボジアは圧倒的に平和な国だ。私自身もカンボジアにここ3年ほど行き来している けれど、危ない目にあったことは一度もない。人々のもつイメージが簡単に抜けないことは知っているが、もうすこし平和で活気のあるカンボジアの現実を知っ てもらいたい。

    Cambodia, in a sense, is an extremely unhappy country.  The country was oppressed by the Pol Pot regime that took the control of the nation in the 1970's, and the nationals were forced to abandon the city to move to the country.  The conflict persisted and millions of people lost their lives by slaying., and the national land was filled with land mines.  After 20 years or so, the Paris Peace Treaty was concluded, and the peace rested on the Cambodian people once and for all.
    Ever since then, despite some sporadic gun fires, the nation was back in peace again, and the peaceful life is here to stay.  Nonetheless, do the Cambodian people have to live with the unhappy history on their shoulders?  Even now, most of the TV programs made about Cambodia deal with old people unable to forget the fright of the Pol Pot regime, or some one with one leg blown off by a land mine.  These are all reality of Cambodia, I concede, but it is also true that Cambodia today is predominantly a peaceful county.  I have repeatedly visited Cambodia in the last 3 years or so, and nothing really dangerous occurred to me even once.  Knowing that the people's memories are not easy to be renewed, I would like people interested in Cambodia see and know the real Cambodia today, with peace and prosperity which it deserves. 

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  1 クメール文化の粋 ―  The Essence of the Khmer Civilization

2  朝焼けのメコン ― The Mekong in the Morning Dusk

3  忌まわしきテロリスト・ポルポト ― The Abhorrent Terrorist, Polpot


4 溢れる衣料 ― Garment that Flourishes

5 針 子さん  ― At the Sewing Machine


6  ドリアン売りの一家 ―  The Family Selling Durians


7 バ ナナ売り ―  A Banana Vender


8 菜の花を買ってしまった ― I Bought a Bunch of Flowers


9 三輪車は市民の足 ― The Tricycle in Service


10 いずこも同じ、結婚式 ―  The Wedding Day Scene

11 教育熱心  Eager for Education


12 鳳凰木  ― A Flame-of-the-Forest Tree

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD service from positives.>
71-1 National Museum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-2 The Mekong River, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-3 Toul Sleng Museum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/  Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
71-4 Orsay Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, April 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-5 Russian Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/  Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
71-6 Near Centeral Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-7 The Old Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-8 The Old Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-9 Orsay Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, April 2004/   Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
71-10 Phnom Penh Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-11 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
71-12 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX

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