展示室68 - Photo Gallery 68
下 町・長屋街の一日―タイ・バンコク
 A Day in the Life of Downtown Row Houses - Bangkok, Thailand

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 このところ、仕事の関係でバンコクに滞在しています。普通ならホテル住まいですが、今回は期間も長いのでアパートを月ぎめで借りています。そ のアパートがあるのが、バンコク市内の北部にあたるディンデンという地区です。
 ディンデンは基本的に長屋街です。アパートの前の道がこの地区の目抜き通りで、2車線の車道には朝夕、車が溢れます。歩道はあるものの、やはり朝夕は料 理や惣菜の屋台が出て歩道をふさぐから、歩きにくいこと。目抜き通りに繋がる路地はほとんどが行き止まりで、車はほとんど入ってきません。路地には縫製や クリーニングなどの町工場が軒を連ねています。ディンデン市場はアパートから歩いて10分ほどのところにあり、野菜、果物、肉、雑貨など、何でもありの屋 外市場です。休みの日など、目抜き通りから路地に入り、私しか知らないような抜け道を通って市場まで、お散歩しました。

   Lately, I work and live in Bangkok for some time.  Usually, I stay in a hotel, but this time I keep an apartment on the monthly basis, as the stay is longer than usual.  My apartment is located in a area called Dindeng in the northern part of the city.
    Dindeng is a town of row houses basically.  The street in front of the apartment is the main street in Dindeng, which is packed by cars in two lanes.  There are sidewalks, but they are filled with food stalls and wagons.  Walking is not easy in the evening and in the morning.  Connecting to the main road are back alleys, most of which are dead ended.  Along the alleys are shop houses and small factories doing sewing or dry cleaning.  The Dindeng market is an active outdoor market at about 10 minutes walk from my apartment.  On holidays I often took a walk in the main street, then to one of the back alleys, and passed through a hidden loophole to the market.
    The town of row houses has a warm, human atmosphere of itself.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 長 屋街の朝 ―  A Morning in the Row House Street

2 変わらない朝 の風景 ― A Commonplace Morning Scene

3 長屋街の市場 ― The Market in the Row House Street

4 お惣菜やさん ― A Delicatessen
5  昼下がりの店番  Slow Afternoon at a Food Wagon


6  路地裏の遊び ―  Playing in the Back street


7 夕方の少女たち ― Girls in the Evening Dusk


8 クレープ ワゴン ―  The Crepe Wagon


9 路地のバドミントン  ―  Playing Badminton in Back Street


10 夕闇の路地 ―  A Back  Array in the Dusk

11 夜の店番 ― Shop keeping at Night

12 24時間マーケット   ― 24 Hour Market

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Image Pack service.>
68-1 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-2 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-3 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-4 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-5 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-6 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-7 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-8 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2005/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-9 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-10 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-11 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
68-12 Dindeng, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX

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