展示室62 - Photo Gallery 62
An Island of Khmer Silk, Dach Island, Kandal, Cambdia

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 ダック島、別名「シルクアイランド」とも言いますが、現地の人にはほとんど通じません。プノン ペンから 通称日 本橋と言われる橋(日本の資金で建設された)を渡り、国道6号線を北へ15分ほど行った辺りに、クメール語の「ダック島フェリー」と言う意味の看板が道路 の右側に出ます。ここで右折して川にぶつかるとフェリー乗り場です。フェリーといっても自動車がかろうじて2、3台載るかどうかというものです。
 ダック島は、メコン川とトンレサップ川の合流点の上流にあり、二つの川によって両側を挟まれた中州の島です。この島はクメールシルクの産地として知ら れ、島の住民の大半は伝統的な金糸を使った模様があるシルクの反物や、クロマーと呼ばれる実用的な布を織って生計を立てています。
 私はこの島が好きで、プノンペンに滞在していたころに何度か行きました。機織はだいたい高床の住宅の床下の空間で行われています。ちょいと声をかけて 入っていくと、どの家でも快く機織の様子を見せてくれます。こうした伝統産業がもうすこし高く売れて、村々の経済を潤せるようになるとよいのだが、と思い ました。

This island is sometimes called the Silk Island by expatriates, although local people would not know this name. Crossing the bridge north of Phnom Penh, commonly known as the Japanese Bridge depicting on the financial source and further heading north on Route 6 for about 15 minutes, you ( or your driver) may notice a blue signboard indicating the ferry crossing in Khmer. Turn right at the sign, and drive to the river till you find the ferry crossing. Don't fantasize, the ferry is no big ship; a couple of car loads would easily fill it up.
Koah Dack is located between the two rivers of the Mekong and Tonle Sap, upstream of their confluence. This island is known as a cluster for the Khmer silk production. Islanders make a living by weaving either silk fabric with traditional golden embroilment and/or more practical cotton fabric.
When I was staying in Phnom Penh, I visited the Dach Island a few times.  Weaving is done in most houses under the elevated floors of their houses.  Say hello, and they would let you in to see the weaving in process.  I thought that there must be some way to make such tranditional industries to make more money and replenish the local economy much more.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


 1 フェリー通学 ― Going to School by Boat 

2  色彩豊かなクロマー ― Colorful Cotton Threads

3  機織の親子
 ― Mother and Child at Work


4 鶏が行く ― Chicken Walk

5 絹 織りの少女  ―  A Girl Weaver


6  縦糸を捌く ―  Tidying Threads


7 ホ ツレを直す ― Fixing up Ravels 


8 村の街道   Main Street in the Village


9 島の子供達 ― Childred of the Island


10 島ガキの遊び ―
  Kids Playing in the River

11 昼から宴会  A Mid-Day Feast


12 牛の食事時  ― Cattle at Dinner

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD / Image Pac CD services from positives.>
62-1 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
62-2 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
62-3 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
62-4 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RHP III
62-5 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2002/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
62-6 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
62-7 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, November 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
62-8 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
62-9 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
62-10 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III
62-11 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RHP III
62-12 Koah Dack, Kandal Prov., Cambodia, October 2003/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHP III

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