展示室43 - Photo Gallery 43
北海道開拓の玄関口 小樽(日本)
Otaru - the Historical Gateway to Hokkaido Exploration,Japan

This map is courtesy of Map quest.



   Hokkaido start to see rapid development when the Tokugawa Shogunate Government ordered six Domains in Tohoku region to explore the then untapped land.  Close to Sapporo, where the Hokkaido Government was placed, Otaru enjoyed continuous infrastructure development in ports, canals and rails, and serve as the gateway to the Hokkaido exploration.  It was in this period that more than a hundred of  warehouses built of stone lined the both sides of the canal.  In the town, a number of buildings were built of stone, which housed banks and company head offices, and the town flourished.
    Now that the canal had long ceased to play the original function, the luck thing was that the canal was preserved in its original shape.  The warehouses facing the canal now accommodates various restaurants, cafes and shops, and attract hundreds of thousands of tourists.  Old mansion houses in the town are also utilized in the same shape as before, converted to commercial use.  The experience of Otaru - that the past prosperity makes the present day vitality - is not a common phenomenon.  Otaru had it to emerge as a tourist city.

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1 小樽運河−Otaru Canal
2  運河・夏の日 − The canal in summer

3 オルゴール館− Orgel Museum

4 北一硝子 - Kitaichi Glass Outlet
5 ロフト裏通り − A back street

倉庫今昔−Warehouse - past and present

7 廃線敷の展覧会 − An exhibition on an abandoned rail track

8 海猫屋 − Hidden in green

9 硝子細工 − Glass working

10 ボタン雪 - Heavy Snow


11カニに雪が - Snow falling on crabs

12 つらら− Icicle

Data <All images are digitizedy Kodak Photo CD Service>
43-1 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
43-2 Otaru, Hokkaido, August 2001/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
43-3 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
43-4 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak E100VS
43-5 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak E100VS
43-6 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak E100VS
43-7 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
43-8 Otaru, Hokkaido, September 1999/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
43-9 Otaru, Hokkaido, February 2004/ Leica Minilux 40mm Fuji RHPIII
43-10 Otaru, Hokkaido, February 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak E100GX
43-11 Otaru, Hokkaido, February 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak E100GX
43-12 Otaru, Hokkaido, February 2004/ Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak E100GX

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