展示室27 - Photo Gallery 27
幾千年の大都 北京(中国)
The Great City of Thousands of Years, Peking (Beijing)
People's Republic of China

This map is courtesy of Map quest.




    Peking is the capital city of the People's Republic of China.  This was established in around B.C. 5th Century, and has since prospered as the capital, except in a short break when the capital was moved to Nanjin.  Peking has a grid-like streets in the city, the center of which is the Imperial Palace of the Forbidden city.  This is where the young emperor was crowned as in the movie, "The Last Emperor".  At present, the city is one of the mega-cities in the world with a population exceeding 12 million.  In 2008, the Olympic Games will come to Peking.
     I went to China and stayed for a few weeks about 10 years ago.  Peking looked like a history museum by itself in open space.  In an early morning, I set out for a walk in the city, from Tiananmen Square all the way around the Palace.  On another day, I had a chance to go out to suburbs and climbed the Great Walls.  These walls were so astoundingly long (6,700 km in total length) as to look almost divine.  Some say that these are the only human structure on the earth that could be seen from the Moon.  I have no way to confirm if this is true or not.
    Enjoy the Great City of the thousands of years.

Note: All the images of this set came from negatives.

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1 大通りの朝− 
Boulevard in the Morning

2  天安門広場 − Tiananmen Square

3 国慶節 − 
National Day (Guoqing jie)

4 昼下がり − 
An Afternoon

家族写真 − 
Family Snapshot

Peking University

7 頤和園 − 
Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Beijing

8 郊外へ向かう道 −
A Suburban Road Covered with Wheat

9 万里の長城 
The Great Wall

10 トラクター並木道を行く− A Tractor Heading on the Tree Lined Road

11 中国将棋 ―
A Chinese Chess Player

12 朝靄の故宮・紫禁城
The Imperial Palace of Forbidden City

Data <All images of this set are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives.>
27-1 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
27-2 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
27-3 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-4 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-5 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-6 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-7 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
27-8 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-9 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-10 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-11 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100
27-12 Beijing, People's Republic of China, 1991/ Pentax MX 50mm Konica Negative Film D100

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