展示室23 - Photo Gallery 23
季節風の恵み ラオス・ヴィエンチャン
Gift of Monsoon
Vientiane, Laos

This map is courtesy of Map quest.




    The weather in Laos is affected by tropical monsoon.  Roughly speaking, the half-year period from April through October is the rainy season, while the remaining half, November through March, is the dry season. The southwestern monsoon that picks up humidity over the Bay of Bengal and Arabic Sea gets to the backbone mountains on the border of Vietnam and Laos and lets the heavy rainfall over Laos.  Compared with Thailand and Cambodia the intensity of rainfall in Laos is strong.  Heavy rains during the rainy season often inundate cities.  At the sight of a submerged street, Laotian people keep calm.  Kids go out home and have fun with the water.  
    It could be well so.  About 80% of the Laotian people make living by agriculture.  The largest source of foreign exchange comes from the hydroelectric power exported to Thailand.  Water indeed is the most important natural resource of Laos.  The Mekong, the largest river in the Southeastern Asia collects rain water brought by the wet monsoon.

Note: All the images of this set came from negatives.

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1 恵みの雨− Bountiful Rain
2  水浸し − Submerged City

3 平気、平気 − No Problem

4 水遊び − Having Fun in Water
漁 − Fishery

ハスの花− Lotus Flowers

7 怪しい船頭 − A Strange Captain

8 水辺の公園 − The Water Front Park

湖にて − At a Lake 

10 大切なホンダ− My Precious Honda

11 木橋 ― A Wooden Bridge

12 メコンの夕日Setting Sun at the Mekong

Data <All images of this set are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives.>
23-1 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-2 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-3 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-4 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA-200
23-5 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
23-6 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-7 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-8 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G200-2
23-9 Nam Ngum, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
23-10 Tha Ngon, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
23-11 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
23-11 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200

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