展示室21 - Photo Gallery 21
大地の恵みに支えられる生活 ラオス・ヴィエンチャン
Life with the Gift from the Earth
Vientiane, Laos

This map is courtesy of Mapquest.




    There may be not many people who have any concrete images when they hear about Laos.  Laos, or formally Lao People's Democratic Republic, is a land-locked nation surrounded by Vietnam, Thailand, Funnan Province of China, Cambodia and Myammar.  I stayed in Laos for nearly a year in 1989.
    Laos is a nation along the great river of the Mekong.  Electricity generated at a hydropower station in a tributary of the Mekong produces the largest portion of its foreign currency earning.  Laos is a nation with agriculture and forestry as its staple industries.  Laotian living is primarily catered by catching fish in the river, cultivating paddy fields and picking fruits.  This is a nation supported by the gift of the earth.
    In terms of the income, Laos is one of the least developed nations in the world.  Looking at the people in the nation, however, I was amused by how happily and cheerfully they make a living day in day out.  Beggars are nowhere to be seen.  People help one another and live a comfortable living.  It came to my mind - the amount of money may not be a valid index of people's happiness.

Note: All the images of this set came from negatives.

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1 緑の中の通勤− Commuting in the Green Street

2  水牛の水浴び − An Ox in the Water

3 水遊び − Nice and Cool

沼地で水泳 − Swimmers at a Marsh
 投網  Throwing a Fishing Net 


川魚− A River Fish

 渡し船 − The Crossing by Boat


パパイヤの木 − A Young Papaya Tree

9 メコン川河畔のメロン売り − A Melon Seller on the Bank of the Mekong


10 空心菜売り− Seller of Water Spinach

11 花咲く水辺 ― A Canal with Flowers


12 水辺の景色 View of the river

Data <All images of this set are digitized by Kodak Picture CD service from negatives.>
21-1 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-2 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-3 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA-100
21-4 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-5 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-6 Nam Ngum, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G100-2
21-7 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
21-8 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100
21-9 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-10 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GB200
21-11 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film G200-3
21-12 Vientiane, Lao PDR, 1989/ Pentax MX Takmar 50mm Kodak Negative Film GA100

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