展示室176 - Photo Gallery 176
The Clay Pottery Town, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia

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 前回(写真館175)に続いて、カンボジアのトンレサップの出口近くにあるカンポン・チュナン から。ここは、実は素焼きの焼き物の産地です。
 カンボジアでは、素焼きの焼き物といえばカンポン・チュナンです。プノンペンの町にも時々、牛が引く荷車に素焼きの土鍋が満載された行商を見かけること があります。そういうのみると、もう行きたくて仕方なくなっちゃいますね。
 それでカンポン・チュナンの焼き物の村、オンドン・ロッシーへ。カンポン・チュナンの市内から、バイク・タクシーなどにのって15分ほどでしょうか。村 の真ん中に、ドイツの協力を得て作られた、陶芸センターがあります。外国人も観光客もパラパラ訪れますが、地元の人が陶器をかったりもしています。ここ で、案内を付けてくれて、村の中の焼き物をやっているお家を何軒かみて歩きました。言葉は通じないけれど、みんな喜んで製作風景を見せてくれました。

      Continuing from the previous installment (Gallery 175), this one takes up Kampong Chhnang near the entrance of Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia.  This city is also known as the production center of unglazed clay pottery.
    Pottery made in Kampong Chhnang is famous in Cambodia, as there are a number of oxcarts selling the Kampong Chhnang pottery. 
    Thus I set out on a trip to Kampong Chhnang on one weekend.  From the town center of Kampong Chhnang, you may take a motor taxi (as there are few other transport modes), and ride about 15 minutes and you are there.  At the entrance of the village Ondoung Rossey, which is the clay pottery village, there is a Ceramic Development Center built with assistance from Germany.  I was there seeing various types of potteries, then a clerk there came to me and suggested something.  I was puzzled at first, but in the end realized that she was suggesting to give us a guided tour of the village. 
    There seem to be a few different methods for pottery making.  One is patting, which is used for big pieces.  A wheel is used for small bowls.  I walked in the village peeping into a few of the local villagers making pottery in there homes. 
    The village is calm and peaceful.  Spending time there is relaxing and joyful.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 素焼き土鍋の行商 ―  Cart Selling Unglazed Pottery

2 売りものの土鍋たち ― Various Potteries on Sale

3 まずは腹ごしらえ ― Had Lunch First in Kampong Chhnang

4 オンドンロッシー陶芸センター ― Ondoung Rossey Ceramic Development Center
5 地 元の子供たちも買い物   ― Local Girls Shopping Pottery


6  オンドン・ロッシーの村を歩く ―  Walking in Ondoung Rossey Village

7 焼き物一家  Pottery Making Family

8 ろくろ回 し ― Potter's Wheel


9 村の暮らし
 Life in the Village


10 露店の肉屋さん ― A Open Cart Selling Port

11 小 鉢を回す女性 − A Potter Making Small Bowl on a Wheel

12 大量の小鉢 ― Plenty of Small Bowls

Data <All images are digitized by Kodak Photo CD service from positives.>
176-1 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-2 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, May 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-3 Kampong Chhnang, April 2009 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EB-3
176-4 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-5 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-6 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-7 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-8 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-9 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-10 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-11 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
176-12 Ondoung Rossey, Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia, April 2009 / Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)

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