展示室167 - Photo Gallery 167
砂漠のオアシスと地底の湖・ ファユーム(エジ プ ト)
 Oasis in Desert and Lakes on the Bottom of Earth, Fayoum, Egypt

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 ファユム を流れるユスフ運河は、ナイル川の水を上流で分岐させて引き込んだものだ。ファユームは陥没してできた窪地だから、ナイル川の水は自然に流れてファユーム の窪地に流れ込み、そこを穀倉地に変えた。古代エジプトの中王国時代、4800年ほど前の話だ。ユスフ運河がファユムの窪地に入る、その入り口のあたりに あるのがファユームの町だ。ユスフ運河はこの町を通りすぎてしばらく行ったあたりで、多くの小運河に分岐する。小運河は農地に水を届け、いくばくかの残余 の水が窪地の底にあるカルン湖に流れ込む。カルン湖には出口はないが、流入する水と蒸発する水の量がつりあっているから、水面は一定だ。
 カルン湖と同じような窪地の底の湖がもうひとつある。ワディ・エル・ラヤン湖だ。ここは上池と下池に分かれていて、二つの湖のあいだには滝がある。砂漠 のなかにある二つの湖を繋ぐ川にある滝。下池の方が大きいので、蒸発量も少し多い。この分の水が上池から滝を通って下池に流れ込む。これも不思議なもの だ。

    The Yusuf Canal that runs through Fayoum which bifurcates the Nile and brings water to the depression of Fayoum.  As this is natural depression below the water level of the Nile, the water flows naturally with gravity.  This canal was said to be built during the Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, about 4,800 years ago.  The city of Fayoum is located at the entrance of the canal into the depression.  The Canal further bifurcates into smaller canals which bring water to the farmlands, and only small amount of the residual water is fed to the Karun Lake located at the bottom of the depression.  As there is no outlet to the Karun Lake, the input to the lake by the residual water flow is equal to the evaporation from the lake surface to balance the water level. 
    Lakes similar to the Karun is located further south, which is named Wadi El Rayan.  This lake is divided into the upper and lower lakes and in between there is even a water fall.  The lower lake is larger than the upper, and the balance of water flow from the upper to the lower.  THis is also a natural wonder.

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   1  ファユームを流れるユスフ運河 ― Yusuf Canal in Fayoum

2 スイカ売りの 女性 ― Water Melon Lady

3 ファユームの市場から  ―  From the Market of Fayoum

4 悪がき ― Kids 
5  野菜を買う人々 ―  People Buying Vegetables


6  町外れの市場 ― Market at the End of Town

7 ユスフ運河、 いく筋にも分かれる  ― Yusuf Canal Bifurcating to Small Canals


8 水門 ―  The Water Gate

9   小運河沿いの市場  ―  Market along Small Canal


10 カルン湖 ― Lake Karun at the end of Yusuf Canal

11 ワディ・エル・ラヤンの滝 ― Water Fall in Wadi El Rayan

12 収穫真っ最中の穀倉地  ―  Rice Field during Harvest

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Image Pack service.>
167-1 Fayoum City, Fayoum, Egypt, October  2007/ Bessar R Ultron 28mmKodak EB-3
167-2 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-3 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-4 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-5 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-6 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-7 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-8 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt,  June 2008/ Ricoh Bessar R Ultron 28mm Fuji RDPIII
167-9 Fayoum City, ayoum, Egypt, June 2008/ Ricoh Degital II GR 28mm (qeuiv.)
167-10 Karun Lake, Fayoum, Egypt, October  2007/ Bessar R Ultron 28mmKodak EB-3
167-11 Karun Lake, Fayoum, Egypt, October  2007/ Bessar R Ultron 28mmKodak EB-3
167-11 Karun Lake, Fayoum, Egypt, October  2007/ Bessar R Ultron 28mmKodak EB-3

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