展示室125 - Photo Gallery 125
 Once Upon a Hot Day in Bombay - Mumbai, India

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 ボンベイに3週間ほど滞在した。いや、最近はムンバイ、とインド風に呼び換えているが、なんだか昔から親しん だボンベイのほうが通りがいい。
 今日は、ムンバイに来て初めて、丸一日休みが取れた。朝から町歩きをすることにした。町歩きは庶民の目線で、というのが私の主義だから、タクシーは使わ ず列車に乗る。チャーチゲート駅から鈍行列車にのり、市の北部にある、ヒンズー寺院やらイスラム寺院を訪ね、さらに半島の南の突端、コラバの漁港やその市 場を見て歩こうという計画だ。途中でへばったら、一度ホテルでシャワーを浴びて出直す。さて、ホテルから駅まで歩いて出発しよう。

    I had a chance .to stay in Bombay for about 3 weeks.  Or more precisely, the city I stayed was lately called Mumbai, as a result of recent renaming of the Indian cities.  But to me Bombay sounds more familiar.
    Bombay is the second busiest city in India next to Deli-New Delhi.  Bombay is the capital of Maharashtra State - the state of Maharaja.
    Today is the first full holiday for me.  I made a plan to walk about the city.  My theory goest that ciy walk has to be done is the commpn people's shoes, I decided not to use taxi, but to take the local train.  First I will go to the northern part of Bobay where there are a famous Hindu temple and an Islamic Mosque. After that I will come back to the city center and vist the fish market in Colaba.  If it is too tiring, I might bo back to my hotel for a shower.  So here I set out on foot to the nearby station.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


  1 インド国 鉄の旅 ― Travel by Indian National Rail

 2 町の洗濯場 ― The City's Washing Place

3 ヒンズー寺院 ― Hindu Temple

4 ヒンズー寺院の参道にて ―  In the Road to Hidu Temple
5  ハージ・アリのモスク ― Haj Ali's Mosque


6 タトゥー   ―  Tattoo Printing

7 仕込み ― In Preparation


8 コラバの市場にて  ―  Spice Shop at Colaba Market

9 ココナッツ売り  ―  Selling Coconut Milk

10 魚屋 ― Fish Vendor

11 アンバサダーのある風景 ― A Glimse of Bombay with an Ambassador

12 夜・もう一つのボンベイ   ―  Another Bombay at Night

Data <All images are degitized by Fuji Photo CD service.>

125-1 Churchgate Station, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-2 Maha Laxmi, Mumbai, India, May 2007 /Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
125-3 Maha Laxmi Temple, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-4 Maha Laxmi Temple, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-5 Haj Ali's Mosque, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-6 Haj Ali's Mosque, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-7 Haj Ali's Mosque, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-8 Haj Ali's Mosque, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-9 Colaba Market, Mumbai, India, May 2007 / Leica Minilux 40m Kodak EBX
125-10 Colaba Market, Mumbai, India, May 2007 /Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
125-11 City center, Mumbai, India, May 2007 /Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
125-12 City center, Mumbai, India, May 2007 /Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX

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