展示室11 - Photo Gallery 11


 Cambodia - Life in the Heart of Nature

(Phnom Penh, Takeo, Kampong Spueu, Koah Kong
 and Siem Reap, Cambodia; Year 2002 - 2003)

Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia
This map is courtesy of Mapquest.
Mapquest provides detail map


 カンボジアはモンスーンの国。毎 年11月くらいから翌年の5月くらいまで、カンボジアは雨季を向かえ、毎日のように驟雨がカンボジアの国土を濡らします。川は肥沃な土壌を運び、田を潤し ます。農業国であるカンボジアの主要な農産品である米はもちろん、野菜や果物なども、モンスーンの自然の力によるところが大きいのです。化学肥料や農薬も あまり使われていませんから、カンボジアの農産品はナチュラルかつ有機なのです。ただ、かんがいなどの農業技術の導入も遅れているために、乾季になると水 田は乾き、農村は飢えることになります。この時期に仕事を求めて大都市や外国に出稼ぎに行く人が多いのもこのためです。
メコ ン川などの河川、さらにはカンボジアの南側に広がるシャム湾は海の幸の宝庫です。首都プノン ペンや、シャム湾に面する港湾都市シアヌークビルの市場では、さまざまな魚介に加えてエビやシャコ、カニなどの食材が売られています。こうした海産物は残 念ながらあまり輸出には回っていませんが、高いポテンシャルがあると思います。

    Cambodia is a country with tropical monsoon.  Every year, the wet monsoon starts to bring occasional rainfall in November and stays until May or so.  The rivers carry fertile soil and water the paddy fields.  Rice, the staple agricultural goods, vegetables and fruits are all dependent on the gift of nature.  As chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides are not used widely, most of the Cambodian agricultural products are natural and organic.  Irrigation technologies are uncommon, and that is part of the reasons for poverty in rural areas, particularly during the dry season.  Many a people go for large cities in Cambodia or in neighboring nations, seeking cash income.
    The Cambodian are said to be a maritime people.  The waters such as Tonle Sap lake, the largest inland water body in Indochina, the Mekong river and Siam Bay in the south of the country are all rich in fishery resources.  Fish markets in Phon Penh or in Sihanoukville, the port city facing the Siam Bay, are full of various fish, shrimp, prawn and crabs.  These fishery products have high potentiality, although u
nfortunately little find their way to export markets.  
    In this set, I would like to show you the various aspects of Cambodian people in rural areas living deep in the heart of nature.


 写真10、11、12の3枚を他 セットとの重複の可能性により入れかえました

Replaced Photos 10, 11 & 12 due to the (possible) duplication with other sets.

Please click on the photo to view a larger image.


1 バナナ商  A Banana retailer unloading bananas at Old Market, Phnom Penh

2 野菜の計り売り ― A Vegetable Seller at Kampong Spueu Market

3 スイカ売り  A Water Melon Woman at Takeo Market 


4 米の収穫 − Rice harvest in Takeo Province
 王宮の一角、緑に包まれた祠   Greenery at Royal Palace, Phnom Penh


フェリー乗り場の花 − Flowers at Ferry Terminal, Koah Kong Province

漁船  Fishing Boats, Bassak River, Phnom Penh


バサック川の船溜まり  Fishery Port on the Bassak river, Phnom Penh

白砂の海岸 − White sandy beach, Sihanoukville Province 


10 レンガ作り − Making Bricks from the Clay

11 薪の山 − Pile of Firewoods  

12 自然の恵 ― Generous Blessings of the Nature

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Photo CD service>
11-1 Old Market, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Octomber 2003/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
11-2 Kampong Spueu Market, Kampong Spueu Province, Cambodia, September 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
11-3 Takeo Market, Takeo Province, Cambodia, Decemer 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RHP III
11-4 Takeo Province, Cambodia, Decemer 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RHP III
11-5 Royal Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Septemer 2002/ Leica Minilux 40mm Kodak EBX
11-6 Ferry Termial, Koah Kong Province, Cambodia, December 2002/Bessa R 25mm Kodak ED-3
11-7 Bassak River, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, December 2002/Bessa R 25mm Kodak ED-3
11-8 Bassak River, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, February 2002/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
11-9 Beach, Sihanoukville, Cambodia, February 2002/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX
11-10 Takev Province, Cambodia,
December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RDPIII
Kandal Province, Cambodia, December 2002/ Bessa R 25mm Fuji RDPIII
11-12 Kandal Province, Cambodia, Septemer 2002/Bessa R 25mm Kodak EBX

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