展示室105 - Photo Gallery 105
仏塔のそそり立つ古 都 アユタヤ(タイ)
 The Ancient City with Towering Pagodas, Ayutthaya, Thailand

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 アユタヤは世界遺産に指定された、タイの古都だ。14世紀から18世紀まで、王都がバンコク対岸のトンブリに移されるまでの400年あま り、アユタヤに王都が置かれた。カンボジア(クメール)の支配を脱して、ヒンドゥー教の影響を排して仏教を広め、みずからも寺院を多数作った。
 バンコクに長期滞在していた時に、週末に日帰りで出かけるのにちょうどよく、何度か出かけた。大都会のバンコクから行くと、涼やかで静かだ。案内も頼ま ずに遺跡を歩き、仏像があれば手をあわせ、階段があればのぼり、回廊がれば歩いてみる。
 電車で行くならホアランプン駅か、あるいは市内北側のサムセン駅あたりに行って鈍行列車を待てばよい。直行バスもあるが、風情の点では列車にはかなわな い。もっとも帰りはバスの方が寝て帰れるから楽だ。
    Ayutthaya is an ancient city of Thailand which is on the UNESCO World d Heritage list.  This city was the seat of the ancient empire for about 400 years, unit the capital of the empire was moved to Thonburi, the opposite side of the Chao Prya river from Bangkok.  Ayutthaya kingdom Dissipate the leftover effects of the Hidduism and  promoted Buddhism.
    I visited Ayutthaya a few times when I was staying in Bangkok. on some weekends.  Coming from the busy city of Bangkok, Ayutthaya is a remote and quite small town.  I used to walk around in the city - did some prayer in front of a Buddha statue, climbed whatever stairs I see, and took to the end when I saw a corridor. 
]   If you go by train, better start your trip at Hua Lamphong Station in Bangkok, or at small station in the northern part of the city such as Sam Sen Station.  THere are bus services too, but I would prefer trains because of the atmosphere it gives.  Buses are good for the return trip, as you could sleep all the way back.

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1 アユタヤへ ― Railway Trip from Bangkok to Ayutthaya

 2 アユタヤ駅から川を渡る ― Crossing the River from the Ayutthaya Station

3 ンゴ? ― Rambutan Wagon at Fruit Market 

4 ワット・プラ・マハタート ― Wat Phra Mahathat
5  休みの午後 ―  Holiday Afternoon


6  根っこに顔が・・・ ― There is a Head in the Roots

7 お休み の仏さま ―  Buddha on a Break at Wat Lokayasutha


8 ワット・ヤイ・チャイ・モンコン ―  Wat Yai Chai Mongkong

9 仏塔の上から  ―  From the Pagoda of Wat Yai Chai Mongkon

10 仏と人 ― Buddha and People

11 スリヨータイ妃塔 ― Tower for Lady Suriyothai 

12 ポルトガル教会   ― Old Portugese Church

Data <All images are degitized by Kodak Image Pack service.>
105-1 Sasmsen Station, Bangkok, Thailand, February 2006 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
105-2 Ferry, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-3 Marke , Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-4 Wat Phra Mahathat, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-5 Wat Phra Mahathat, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-6 Wat Phra Mahathat, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-7 Wat Lokayasutha, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-8 WatYai Chai Mongkon, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-9 WatYai Chai Mongkon, Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-10 Wat Yai Chai Mongkon , Ayutthaya, Thailand, July 2005 / Bessa R Snapshot Scopar 25mm Kodak EBX
105-11 Suriyothai Tower, Ayutthaya, Thailand, February 2006 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX
105-12Old Portugese Church, Ayutthaya, Thailand, February 2006 / Bessa R Ultron 28mm Kodak EBX

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